Nordic Walking: A Lifetime Sport

FasterSkierSeptember 11, 2009

The other week I led a CXC/Birkie Nordic Walking Clinic in Woodruff, WI at Premier Physical Medicine and Wellness Clinic. 42 people made the clinic ranging in age from 8 to 86 years old. It is one thing to hear about nordic as a lifetime sport but it is really cool to see both young and old enjoying the sport.

Dr. Jim Mullen offering some advice on Nordic Walking. The hill behind him is a manmade playground with tunnels, paths, steps, tires and all sorts of fun things to climb on. Premier’s facility is really world class. Check out their website at

Uphill Technique

The clinic went great. Everyone enjoyed the great weather and many are excited for the Birkie Trail Run and Trek on September 26.

Unfortunatly when I got in the car to head back to Hayward. The ol’ Neon made no effort at all to start. Jim and I tried a few things before realizing it was beyond us. This could have been a rather stressful situation but thankfully the Mullens made it easy. Thanks for letting me stay with you, directing me to the great running trail, and helping me get the car fixed.


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