
2009 September

This morning, Andy Newell joined us for some classic intervals. It was great for our group to be able to ski with him and then watch themselves on video. I am quite happy with the way our group looks, but it is pretty clear that we need a bit more stre...

The Team 350 Challenge is looking to collectively row and ski 350 million meters between September 21 and October 24 and we’d like your help to reach this goal.  This challenge is part of a global grassroots movement to raise awareness for the significance of 350 parts per million; the sustainable CO2 threshold in our atmosphere.  The current level is over 387 ppm and this number needs to fall for a safe climate future.  The...

The following is a response to a letter sent to Dr. Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC, from the elite women ski jumpers seeking inclusion in the 2010 Olympics. Please find below the text of a letter we received today from IOC President Jacques Rogge. We are disappointed it does not address our specific query about the technical requirements we fail to meet, but we are not surprised. We are confident we do indeed meet...

I'm in Oberhof Germany for Summer Biathlon World Championships. The flight over went off without any problems other than a couple tight connections. All of my luggage and most importantly my rifle was waiting for me when I arrived. It was about a 3 hr ...

Well, our last Hayward camp for the year has come and gone.  All around, the camp went really well.  The weather was really nice and we were able to get in a lot of solid training.  The intensity has really picked up in my training so it was nice to get to hammer with some [...]

USSA has posted the article “Biomechanical Analysis of Double Poling in Elite Cross-Country Skiers” by Hans-Christer Holmberg, Stefan Lindinger, Thomas Stoggl, Erich Eitzlmair, and Erich Muller.  Holmberg is part of the  Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and the Åstrand Laboratory, Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports, Stockholm, Sweden.  The other authors work with Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg, Austria and  the Christian Doppler Laboratory Salzburg, Austria. From...

Woodskis Rollerski Review

Due to unforseen circumstances, the FasterSKier Rollerski Reviews were on hiatus for the second half of the summer.  But they are back now, and though you may not want to admit, there are still months of rollerskiing left before the snow flies.  Additionally, most rollerski models remain the same from year-to-year, so the information will be relevant next spring.  And now back to business! Woodski Inc is a small company based in Manchester, New Hampshire...

span class="Apple-style-span" style="color:#330033;"Thank you very much for letting me join your class on Wednesday. I enjoyed telling you about biathlon, sharing with you what it means to me and even getting advice on the best place to shoot - thanks...