The Upsolute RS Roller Ski Helmet by Casco

FasterSkierApril 9, 201012

The World’s first helmet specialized for Roller Skiers and Biathletes. Developed with assistance by multiple Olympic medal winner Ole Einar Bjorndalen.

Sizes 52-58 cm & 58-62 available Spring of 2110.

MSRP 110$ Teams Sales and Retailers Inquires welcome.

Casco is a division of Chi Town Sports.

Gollinger & Associates Distributors


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  • deanerbeano

    April 9, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    so… what distinguishes this from a $40 bike helmet? besides the fact that it doesn’t come out for another 100 years.

  • StorminNorman

    April 10, 2010 at 3:25 am

    Hey beano, here’s an idea: instead of trollin’ on everything, why don’t you put in some positive criticism? You know, like suggestions/comments/questions that aren’t sarcastic or rhetoric? Food for thought.

  • Cloxxki

    April 10, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    Now, now, Norman. If you want to call someone a troll, pick someone your own size, like me. Or a more established ill-poster, like me 🙂
    I think the question is legitimate, and jokingly reference was made to a typo in the article.

    I normally spot all typo’s on here, or so I thought. Usually there’s 3 in each post. This one is quite short of course, although I think originally Ole Einar’s name was mis-spelled here (apologies if I saw that elsewhere).
    I am not a native speaker by the way, so please excuse any mistakes I undoubtedly still make. It’s an international website, I understand.

    $40 bike helmets are great products, IMO. Last two I bought, were in that range. I’ve also owned the $300 kind. Can’t say it was better or safer, it had the same stats and labels.
    I even had the carbon Troy Lee design ones for more serious head protection, motor-cross safety levels in a bicycle weight helmet. Helmet are worth little when you fall under the wheels of a truck, or get bumped off the road by one. Our heads are flimsy and delicated, protection is in order, but it doesn’t offer decent safety.

    Rollerskiing is way unsafe a sport (whatever the elite racers may tell you, the ones that have survived so far).
    Roller skiing should be taken off-roads, to seperate bike paths, and certainly away from downhill roads. Also for the safety of others.
    Why take to the asphalt in the off-season, if you are in nature, in tree shade and silence in the winter? Should ski races be brought to mountain free ways, and allow regular traffic to keep using the road, not alerting them of the skiers?
    Technology (read: open minds) should unlock the off-roads for summer xc skiing. 150mm air tires out of thick, low-quality indutrial spec rubber are not cutting it, apparently. Why else would elite racers take to dangerous streets, where even cyclists with handbars and brakes are at risk? They want to train specifically, but can’t without super smooth, important traffic route quality, asphalt roads. Even road bikes with 23mm tires can handle more rugged terrain.

    Rollerski race regulation of 530mm minimum wheel base and 100mm maximum tires, also don’t help. Guess what more rollerskis (skate ones, at least) are dimensioned like?

    Things can be done to make rollerskiing safer, as in : not doing it in the traditional sense. Rollerskiing is what makes inline skating come across as a very safe sport for the masses. Millions do that, and few wear helmets. Because their faster-by-design skates, even without poles for balancing, are that much safer.

    You can badmouth me, but it’s a waste of time, it will more reflect on yourself than on me. I’ve heard it all, it doesn’t affect me. Good arguments I would love to hear, I’m a reasonable troll, and want to learn.

    Troll, out.

  • deanerbeano

    April 10, 2010 at 7:16 pm

    norman I’m flattered you spent the time to look at all my posts. I would like to think they aren’t ALL sarcastic or rhetorical, but I don’t really see the problem with that… but I don’t think it’s out of line to point out the fact that there is nothing at all special about a bike helmet because it says CASCO on it. I just don’t see any reason this helmet would be better for rollerskiing, and I would hate to see younger skiers buy/ask for their parents to buy one just because its a ROLLERSKI HELMET. As for the 100 years comment, pointing out typographical errors is half the fun of the internet! enjoy!
    : )

  • triguy

    April 10, 2010 at 9:07 pm

    Ok, guess people have missed the obvious design element of the helmet. It is primarily for biathletes that ski with a rifle. Typical bike helmets have a peak at the back that the rifle constantly hits when rollerskiing, this helmet is rounded at the back to ensure that no extra material will interfere with the rifle.

    Cloxxki, not really sure what you’re talking about (same as usual I guess). Bike tires go over terrain better because they are substantially larger diameter. I’m sure you could design a rollerski with really big wheels (20inch maybe) that would work on off-road trails but i don’t know how good the training would be.

  • deanerbeano

    April 10, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    definitely did not realize that, triguy, although I did notice it looks kind of like a hockey helmet from behind. Thank you for pointing that out. Although that still doesn’t explain the price tag.

  • Tim Kelley

    April 11, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    Perhaps a little more truth in advertising would be calling this a “Biathlon Roller Skiing Helmet”. As triguy and casco’s web site says – it’s designed for biathlon to keep the helmet from interfering with the rifle. Seems like the wrap-around back part of the helmet would also protect your temples from getting whacked by the gun barrel.

    Cloxxki says: “Roller skiing should be taken off-roads, to seperate bike paths.” I agree 100%. I like having some control over whether I live or die instead of giving that control to an inattentive driver going 55 mph just inches away from me.

  • RealNillaz

    April 11, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    deanerbeano, you’re an inspiration.

  • Cloxxki

    April 11, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    Biathlon helmet! I did not see that one coming. Great to hear this little sport is attracting a dedicated helmet.

    Yesterday I visited the local running biathlon. Largest field I aw was 4 runners. I realize it’s different in Germany and Norway.

    20″ wheels roll great if you have 2, they are just not so nice to lift every stride. There barely is a sweet spot for wheelsize in off-road skating. 6″ is greatly inadequate, 12″ seems to roll decently, but is awkwardly larger, and expensive to get at decent weights. A solution will be found some day, by me if I get my way with it, and it will need to be better than a wheel, for trail contact surface area, rolling resistance, and weight. I have ideas and sketches, but they are a bit worse than the premium of a biathlon helmet 🙂

  • triguy

    April 11, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    Cloxxki, what examples on 12inch off-road skates do you have?? That was mainly my point about 20inch wheels, they would obviously work but lifting those wheels every stride would be nearly impossible and you would need to skate with your feet realy wide apart. Maybe tank inspired tracks would work well 😉

    Racers rollerski because it is the only thing that comes close to using the same technique and muscles as skiing. Be sensible about where/when you rollerski and its a pretty safe activity. Of course dedicated rollerski loops at some ski centres are really nice and allow intensity training without the worry of traffic.

  • Tim Kelley

    April 11, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    Cloxxki – want big wheels? Google “Chariot Skates”.

    If Bjorndalen wanted a helmet that didn’t stick out in the back, all he had to do was buy a climbing helmet for $60. Google “Petzl Meteor”.

  • triguy

    April 12, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    Good link to those chariot skates. Pretty crazy idea from what I saw on the website, and a possible 5-10,000 price tag :0 and 5lbs+ per skate.

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