Our day in Pictures

FasterSkierAugust 10, 2010
Recently our weekend practices have been at our local alpine hill. No matter what you call it moose-hoofing, ski-walking, it’s a great workout!
Since we have been doing this workout for a couple of months the number of repeats is getting pretty high and starting to create a serious “SITUATION” for my legs!

So to give them a little more this week we decided to keep the number of repeats the same but to add a little spin session at the end.
The data was good and the attitudes even better!

After all the hard work it was time for a treat.

The kids seemed fine but the workout almost killed one of us!

Even after and Epic workout you still have to get up the next day and get after it, no matter how you feel, how the weather is, or what your friends are doing ! It’s all on YOU !!

Get out there and get after it!


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