Week In Review: Friday Sep 17th

JoranSeptember 17, 2010

Here’s what’s been happening at Statistical Skier this week:

  • There’s another doping story in the news, providing plenty of red meat for commentary.  I humbly contributed some graphs of Pankratov’s results over the years, which hopefully provides some context for his ability level and career.
  • Yeah, there’s some big bike race not in France still going on.  So I took advantage of another rest day in their schedule to update the GC bump plots I’ve been making.
  • We played a little trivia guessing game this week, with the answer supplied here.  Those who got the correct answer won absolutely nothing and are entitled to precisely zero bragging rights, cause that’s how we roll here at Statistical Skier.
  • Finally, we’ve reached the penultimate career retrospective post, examining the life and times of biathlete Vincent Defrasne.

I’m pretty stoked for my weekend, as it looks like my 50k tomorrow will actually be 50 kilometers long, rather than 60, when I did the same race last fall.  I’m optimistic this will keep my total time spent running in the rain under seven hours.  And that’s always a reason to celebrate, right?

Related posts:

  1. <Week In Review: Friday, June 11th
  2. <Week In Review: Friday August 6th
  3. <Week In Review: Friday August 27th

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