Last one!

FasterSkierOctober 19, 2010


On Sunday, we had our last rollerski time trial of the year (fingers crossed, though, that we won’t have a surprise one in December or anything). It wasn’t our last time trial – there will be plenty on snow – and it wasn’t our last rollerski. But it was our last time going as hard as we could from the village of Craftsbury through East Craftsbury and up to the top of Johnson’s Hill.


Luckily, it was a nice day, too, so we could be pretty cheerful. I asked Pepa to take pictures, and she captured Hannah Miller’s genuine smile:

hannah miller

As well as Matt’s, which appeared a bit more forced.

matt smile

Anyway, after a nice warmup, off we went. I know that I had a little extra motivation knowing that is was the last time I had to ski up that darn hill. It was also nice that Pepa let us do a mass start, which we’ve requested a few times before to no avail.

Hooray for the end of dryland training!



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