
2011 April

Join us at our spring fundraiser! This will be a fun event and the proceeds will be used to help offset the travel, baggage fees, and room/board for high level racing. Here is a preview of some of the items you can come to bid on: * Ski trip to Ultima Thule Lodge, Wrangell-St. Elias * Hawaiian Vacations * 4-course meal for six cooked by 6 members of the APU girls teams & boys teams *

Join us at our spring fundraiser! This will be a fun event and the proceeds will be used to help offset the travel, baggage fees, and room/board for high level racing. Here is a preview of some of the items you can come to bid on: * Ski trip to Ultima Thule Lodge, Wrangell-St. Elias * Hawaiian Vacations * 4-course meal for six cooked by 6 members of the APU girls teams & boys teams *

One of the most beautiful, quickest, and underutilized get-aways in Anchorage is ocean mudflats and marshlands. And there's rarely a soul down there....maybe because it can be a perilous place if you aren't aware of which areas are safe, the status of ...

One of the most beautiful, quickest, and underutilized get-aways in Anchorage is ocean mudflats and marshlands. And there's rarely a soul down there....maybe because it can be a perilous place if you aren't aware of which areas are safe, the status of ...

One of the most beautiful, quickest, and underutilized get-aways in Anchorage is ocean mudflats and marshlands. And there's rarely a soul down there....maybe because it can be a perilous place if you aren't aware of which areas are safe, the status of ...

One of the most beautiful, quickest, and underutilized get-aways in Anchorage is ocean mudflats and marshlands. And there's rarely a soul down there....maybe because it can be a perilous place if you aren't aware of which areas are safe, the status of ...

Today I learned that rain can be warm. I mean I think I knew that before, but I hadn’t ever experienced warm and muggy-feeling rain. I went for a run in my sports bra, and felt incredibly hot the whole way. During most of the day I have been feelin...

Diggins, Valjas Earn FasterSkier Rookie of the Year Honors

FasterSkier Rookie of the Year It is hard to define a “rookie” in cross-country skiing.  First year on the World Cup?  First season as a senior?  First year in college?  First year skiing?  We keep it loose and give the award to skiers who take a major step forward while moving up to a new level of competition. Rookie of the Year (women): Jessie Diggins (USA/CXC Elite) The choice for the female Rookie of the...

FasterSkier Awards 2011

Vacation is over for most elite skiers, and the 2012 training season is underway. While most athletes are focusing on the future, we are going to spend another week or so looking back. It is time for the annual FasterSkier awards. We will be handing out virtual medals to the top men and women in the following categories: Breakthrough Skier of the Year Adaptive Skier of the Year Biathlete of the Year Performance of the Year...

Scattered across the United States are a handful of skiers belonging to an exclusive club—one that includes Kris Freeman, Colin Rodgers, and Morgan Smyth. Earlier this month, biathlete Tim Burke became the club’s newest member, but not by choice. Instead, he joined the other three when he lay down on an operating table in Lake Placid and went under the knife, to relieve the symptoms of compartment syndrome. Quietly, Burke had endured the condition since...

In the days before index shifting and carbon fiber bike frames, the experimental Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth turned his camera to cycling. Atypical to film making today, Leth films with wide angle, long duration shots that let the story come to you. I...

In the days before index shifting and carbon fiber bike frames, the experimental Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth turned his camera to cycling. Atypical to film making today, Leth films with wide angle, long duration shots that let the story come to you. I...

In the days before index shifting and carbon fiber bike frames, the experimental Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth turned his camera to cycling. Atypical to film making today, Leth films with wide angle, long duration shots that let the story come to you. I...