D-pole Test

Sverre CaldwellJuly 7, 2011

We did our new double pole test today as part of our morning workout. It was a beautiful morning, but there was a steady headwind which slowed the times. Below are the times for everyone. When I list the times, I will list all of the times that each skier has done the test. Roller skis are not all created equal (see ski speed discussion below). We are looking for personal improvement. The first time we did the test, it was a warm calm day, the second time we had wet pavement (slow) and this time we had a headwind (slow). My guess is that the conditions were about 10 seconds slower on the last two tests (as compared to the first test). Sorry about the formatting!
Name 5/13/11 6/9/11 7/7/11
70, calm 70, wet 72, headwind

Andy 3:23 xxx 3:30
Skyler 3:37 3:52 xxx
Bridger xxx 4:18 4:06
JA Caldwell 4:22 4:30 4:23
A Cobb xxx 4:46 4:24
Tyler 4:23 4:32 4:27
Mac 4:37 xxx xxx
Paddy 4:18 xxx xxx
Koby xxx xxx 5:18
Calvin xxx xxx 5:12
Murph xxx xxx 4:35
Fritz xxx xxx 3:59

Tess 7:40 6:59 6:28
Brooke 5:29 xxx xxx
Issy P 5:41 xxx 5:35
Hallie 5:40 5:45 5:43
Rachel 5:36 xxx xxx
Cambria 5:15 5:22 5:09
Heather 4:31 xxx xxx
Sophie xxx 5:01 4:46
Pippin xxx xxx 6:59
Mackenzie R xxx xxx 7:42
Izzy C xxx xxx 5:11
Anya xxx xxx 5:23
Ellery xxx xxx 5:23

Here are some pictures from our “warm down”. As always, click on any picture to enlarge it.
Issy P and Hallie.

The trouble with roller ski tests is that the ski speeds are very different. We did a gradual downhill speed test today. Most of the team uses Marwe roller skis and the 16 pairs of Marwes ranged from 49-55 seconds in the test. Two skiers have Swenors with #2 wheels and they are faster (46 seconds), one skier (Makenzie R. ) has Swenor #3 wheels and they are very slow (60 seconds). This means that on a gradual downhill, Mackenzie loses 9 seconds/minute to the kids on Marwe skis and 14 sec/min to the skiers with Swenor #2 wheels. I do not think that means that she is giving up 2 minutes in an 8 minute uphill test, but she is surely losing something due to the ski speed. We will set up another test at some point that should give a better indication.
‘Kenzie, Tess and Pip.

Koby, Calvin and Murph.
Andy and Fritz.

The boys.

Sophie and Anya.
Cam, Issy P., Gage and Izzy C.

Sverre Caldwell

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