Jericho, Take 2 and Other Adventures

Sara StudebakerAugust 14, 2011
Alaska Adventures soon to come… Photo Credit: Zachary Hall

It’s hard to believe that August is already here and the “travel” season is beginning for me. I’m heading out to Europe for a three week A-team camp in Ruhpolding and Oberhof, Germany. It should be a great camp and a fun start to the fall training season (I know, August seems a bit early to be saying “fall,” but trust me, it will be here and gone before you know it). But first, a short re-cap of the North American Rollerski Biathlon Championships last weekend in Jericho, VT.

True to Jericho form, it was HOT and almost unbearably humid. Saturday’s race was around 83F with about 85% humidity, making the race a tough one for sure. Many of the national team athletes have had issues with the heat in the past, and the sprint race was no exception. I was happy with my performance, though, and felt able to push through 2.5 of the 3 laps before completely bonking. At the time I was bummed with that, but it turned out to be further than most of the other women made it, and with only 1 penalty, it was enough to take home the title for that day! I’ve never been much of a performer in the summer months, and so having some success in Jericho was a boost for me, though I’m quick to say that performance in August does not necessarily correlate with performance in December…and December is the goal.

Heading out in the Sprint Race. Photo Credit: Judy Geer

The pursuit on Sunday saw no respite from the temperatures, and unfortunately for me, no repeat of the successes of Saturday. My skiing just wasn’t there…I was not able to find my rhythm and my standing shooting was terribly off. But these things happen. I know you have to have bad days in order to learn and get to the great days. And as I said before, it’s August, so not to worry.

After Jericho, most of the A-team headed back to Lake Placid for a week of solid, but relaxed training before leaving for Europe. After our three weeks in Germany, I’ll be back to Lake Placid briefly before heading out to Alaska to train and see Zach. By the end of that trip, it will be October and Utah camp…and ski season is just around the corner from there! It’s always amazing how quickly time goes when you’re training. I’m looking forward to the traveling and adventures of the next couple months, but am being sure to stay focused and healthy as we creep up on December.

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