The Pack hits the Track

EvanSeptember 9, 2011
Last week we did a track pacing workout, in preparation for this week’s 3000 meter test. Dylan Grald and David Sinclair joined our fully assembled crew and we did some agility and then some intensity on the track. A little rain proved to be no deterrent for the team, and was actually a preparation for our rain-soaked 3k this week.
First the obstacle course: hopping, 360s, hurdles, we had it all.

We’ve got some kids with HOPS!

MK: dancing or working out?

After agility, we ran 3k pace or a little faster for a total of 3400 meters. It made for some good pack running and a hard effort by all.

It’s been great having these guys around: not only are they fast, they do it all with a smile.


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