Volume Week, Day 1: Classic Distance

lizkantackOctober 3, 2011
This week is a big volume week for us. We have a break from classes this week and then a long Columbus Day weekend to rest and recover, so we’re taking advantage of the schedule and putting in some big hours. We’ve got a team meeting, run and strength on the schedule this afternoon and another double session day tomorrow. We’ll head up to New Hampshire later this week for a couple OD workouts and then finish with a long bike ride.
This morning we headed down to Manchester for a classic distance ski on a nice route with lots of smooth pavement. Andy & Skyler joined us too and everyone on our team did between 1:30 and 2 hours, mostly double pole. Click on any picture to enlarge it below:

Mackenzie strides up the hill.

Tess on the focus train.
Brooke leads Kate and Mollie.
Skyler, Hamish, Gino.
Murph & Mac.
Brooke & Kate.
T-bone hams it up for the camera. : )
Issy & Anika have been great training partners this fall.
Nice smooth pavement, cool temps, good morning for skiing.
Charlie, Mac, Murph & Tyler.
Andy, Gino, Skyler, & Hamish.
Andy leads the boys home.
Tyler & Murph.
Gino & Hamish.

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