Drive for 25

Please look over this, Our skiers as well as myself, need your help! Pass this on to anyone you know that is willing to help the Nordic Combined team out!

WhatOn November 15th, we are going to engage 4,000 members of our Combined Community, with help from your friends, to support our top developing athletes from the J1’s to the Continental Cup level.  We would like to ask you to be involved with this effort.  All of you already donate your time, energy and money to this sport.  And that is why we need your help.  You are already invested in the success of the athletes and the success in US Skiing.

Why:  The US Nordic Combined is in serious financial trouble.  While we have improved from a nation that rarely placed a single skier in the top ten on the world cup, to a nation that won more medals in the 2009 World Championships and 2010 Olympics than any other nation, we are currently operating on a budget that is less than a tenth of our toughest competitors.  Our budget shortfalls are making it impossible for our younger developing athletes to afford the racing opportunities they must have to earn the required results that allow them to compete at the highest levels.  This summer, we faced two large budget cuts and another is looming.  The Drive for 25 Challenge offers the Nordic Combined community a chance to pull together and help keep our athletes competing.

How:  There are two ways to be involved.  One, donate on or before November 15th at  or sign up to become a Drive for 25 Ambassador.  To agree to become an Ambassador, we need an email from you that requests to be added as a Drive for 25 Ambassador.  We are in need of 400 Ambassadors, so please give this request serious consideration.  As an Ambassador, you become the “make or break” link – to not only donate $25 to the NNF on November 15th, but we need you to provide us with an email list of at least 10 people who agree to also donate on November 15th.  More than 10 names is highly encouraged, but 10 is the minimum.  The general email list of donors will be sent a NNF donation link on November 10th, and reminded again on the 14th, and again on the 15th, the target donation day.  The list will then be out of circulation.

Who:  You!  NNF, the National Nordic Foundation, is stepping up to fill these budget shortfalls.  The NNF depends on you to accomplish this mission.

Imagine the impact of so many people donating on a single day.  Of course, anyone can donate at any time and they can donate as much as they want.  On or before November 15th, we all link into Causevox through or directly to .

All of you already make a difference.  Let’s engage others to make a difference too.  Please join us in a time when money is tight and life is busy.  We have athletes skiing at a level that demands European racing exposure, but they lack the funds to get there.  They need our help, so let’s help them.  Much more than a fundraiser, it is an activation of our entire Nordic community at a critical time.  Let it be as large as possible.

Thank you!  Please return an email to sign up or to ask any questions

Taylor Fletcher

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012