NNF: Drive for 25 Reminder

FasterSkierNovember 11, 2011

Thank you for stepping up to the plate at a time when U.S. skiing needs it most. This can be an historic fundraiser for U.S. cross country skiing as more people than ever stand up in support of our sport on a single day. The funds generated from this drive will help over 40 athletes from ages 14 to 28 at events ranging from the National J2 Elite Camp and J1 Scandinavian Trip to Continental and World Cup starts.  Your money get plugged directly into a project that happens this winter.  To clearly answer a common question, this is not a U.S. Ski Team fundraiser, though roughly a half-dozen of the 40 benefitting athletes will be U.S. Ski Team members.  This is a National Nordic Foundation drive to benefit U.S. development.

We already have nearly 500 participants that have agreed to contribute to this drive. We’ve attached a flier to this email and encourage you to help us recruit even more supporters.  We know we can reach well over 1,000 people but it will require every one of us to work for it.

The donation day link is pasted below.  When you donate, list your club or team in the comment box. Please click this link in advance to be sure we have 100% success on donation day.  There is also a Facebook “like” button that you can click today to help the marketing of this drive achieve viral reaches.


While this is a drive based on as many 25$ donations possible in a single day, you may donate anytime if the 15th does not work for you. The 15th is our request if possible.  Additionally, we promise that you won’t receive any complaints if you donate more than 25$!  Please do what you can on November 15th.  All donations are tax deductible.  Receipts will be available immediately after you donate.

T-minus 5 days.  Get ready to take our sport to a new level of community buy-in on November 15th. Thank you.


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