Disjointed Post about Winter and other Excitement!!!

FasterSkierDecember 9, 2011

JOSIE!!!! Congratulations for making it into this world and for picking such incredible parents to be raised by! I can’t wait to meet you. Congratulations parents:)

This blog goes out to my teammate and friend, Sadie Bjornsen, as she got on her first World Cup podium in the team sprint this weekend in Dusseldorf, Germany. Congrats Sades!! Kik, you did ok too:)
My second favorite car ever, topped only by the Panda Fiat. This thing is a three wheeler!
Newell and I skiing our first day in Davos last week. 1.4 Kilometer loop, which had been the standard this year before the snow storm that dropped 1.5 feet on us the last 4 days.
We headed to Pontresina, Switzerland for a training day last week, 1 hour from Davos over a twisty pass, but it was worth it to get a little sun and 4K of skiing.

Coffee post ski in Pontresina. Sweet.

Ladies Sprint Podium yesterday!!
Mens Sprint Podium. It was so great to see Emil on the podium again, as he has had a slow start with a nagging hamstring injury and this was his first race back!
It really couldn’t have been a more perfect day to ski race yesterday. Sun was out, tracks were firm, course was in great condition.
My good good friends from East Montpelier came all the way to Davos from visiting their daughter Maia (who has been my friend since kindergarten!) in Germany to watch me race. It was so amazing to have people I consider family in Europe. We had an evening together in their cute little apartment where they cooked me a delicious home cooked meal and the company makes you feel like you are all back home in Vermont. It was such a nice, refreshing break from the norm. Thanks for making the trek guys. You rock:)


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