Super Tour Update

Erik BjornsenDecember 1, 2011

Well, here is little update from the last couple weeks. Sorry I haven’t been great about updateing my blog. But, with the combination of finishing up classes at Alaska Pacific University online and having limited internet access it has been a little hard. I am at a coffee shop finally getting a decent internet connection. We are currently in Bozeman, Montana waiting for our second weekend of the Super Tour circuit racing. Last week was the first three races of the circuit in West Yellowstone, Montana. I threw down some decent races posting an 8th place and 13th place in the sprints. In the skate distance race I was 33rd, and finishing with my best for the weekend a 3rd in the classic distance. It was the best Super Tour result I have had and I also posted the best FIS points result of my life, 43 points. Pretty sweet! Might have pre-qualified myself for the Under 23 world championships but I’m not sure about that yet. Either way, pretty exciting way to kick of the season. Now we are hoping to race Saturday and Sunday up at Bohart Ranch but there is only about three inches of snow so we will see if they can pull it off. Here are some pictures from last week thanks to Ian Harvey, head of Toko wax and equipment. Just picked up a new glove sponsorship with Toko. They make some really nice gloves you should definitely check them out here.

Sadie and I are hosting a camp in the Methow Valley when we go back for christmas. If you are a kid that is interested, sign up! It’s going to be a blast.

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