Birkie Training on the Inca Trail Article on Silent Sports

Mr. SkiFebruary 2, 2012

I occasionally have articles and short stories published in magazines. Silent Sports has been the best of them so far.  For example, they just posted a recent article of mine titled “Birkie Training on the Inca Trail.”  This is available both online, and in their print version of the magazine (I need to go and dig up a copy of that somewhere.
Anyway, instead of writing a new article for “CyclovaXC” today, what I’d like to do is drive all of you loyal readers over to this “Birkie Training on the Inca Trail” article.  This article shows what I’m capable of when I allow myself more than the four or five minutes I generally spend on my daily “CyclovaXC” articles (folks, if I had more time, I’d gladly devote it all to writing, but alas time is in terribly scarce supply…as is money).  If you like what you read in this article, I highly suggest you pick up my novel “Beyond Birkie Fever” (about  20% of that novel started out as articles for Silent Sports actually).
But if you’d like to help me out in a way that doesn’t require spending any money, just run over to the Silent Sports article, give it a read (you’ll enjoy it), and leave a comment on the bottom, or “share” it on Facebook.  If I can show these publishers I can drive 500 people to their magazine every time they publish an article of mine, it becomes a lot easier for me to submit articles and get them accepted.  So your participation and comments help greatly!  Don’t worry, I’ll check in later in the day and respond to comments you post on the Silent Sports page as well.
So anyway, the article again is called “Birkie Training on the Inca Trail” and it’s different than the other Inca trail articles you might have read by me (in case you were wondering).  Thanks for your help in advance!

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