Here are a few more pics. I am getting a little behind on some race pics, since the last two days were a little busier and at 30s pp (per pic) upload it takes a solid block of time.
The language barrier is THICK. The actual race courses and organizing seems great. The behind the scenes logistics takes a while to figure out.
Up above our hotel at 11,000 feet. Logan, Will and I scored a free ride up the gondi right from our hotel parking lot.
These are actual houses on the way to the race course. According to my wife this could bring my “dirt ballness” to a whole new level.
Is that Sverre in his old hat?
More of the lower level housing.
Lost in translation….
Well at least if they went to the pic above they might get checked out later.
Everything room, bus etc, is waayyy hot in Turkey. The AK boys sweatin it at 30c on the way to the race
Even the ping pong room is hot!
Safety first, or not. The Gondi door popped open on the way down from the top.
Logan and Will on the summit.
Another view over the city. The towers are the ski jumps.
My favorite refreshment. Coke Light!
I finally found it! Real Turkish Coffee. It was gritty and filled with thick silt at the bottom.
A bear’s dream with out the stings. They put out a rack of honeycomb complete with wax. Just cut some off and put it on toast. Man it sticks to your teeth.
Salt and pepper, not enough here. The daily spice table. I slowly try each one to make sure I don’t get super spiced.
For Mac and T-bone. Not sure if they have seen these yet…
To wedge or not wedge. I am not talking about a fast DH. We also check binding position in relation to balance point. It can change feel, control, tracking and gliding speed. Another thing to test for skate days.
Emily, Will, Mary all from CO and Stephanie from AK. Relaxing like pro’s at the hotel.