Classic Ski in Rogla, Slovenia

NewsMarch 6, 2012

The long drive from Switzerland to Rogla went pretty smooth.  It took us pretty much all day but as we left the mountains we also escaped the snow.  We are staying at the top of the mountain at the resort in Rogla.  The road up the mountain from town is very windy and I am happy that we don’t need to go up and down it each day.  We had to halt the scrabble game during the final part of the drive.

Tad and I are in bunkbeds in what is described as a bungalow.  The room is tiny, but we have everything we need.  The rooms have a kitchen, table, shower and bathroom and are not much larger than 10′ x 16.’

Temperatures are just below freezing and we had great skiing this morning.  We had a relaxed start to let things soften up a bit.  It is cool to ski many of the same hills that I have seen on televison watching the annual World Cups in Rogla.  

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012