The Spring Routine

FasterSkierApril 22, 2012
The past three weeks have marked the most amount of time I have spent in one place for the past year.  I enjoy the excitement of travel, but it has been nice to have a standard routine.  After taking a good week off from training I have been easing back in to activity with a nice morning workout followed by some sort of house project and planning for this next training and racing season.
The weather has been fantastic all spring in Minneapolis and I have been able to make the quick 2 mile ride to the Boys and Girls Club.  The opportunity to spend a few hours with the kids every day has been huge in building their trust.  I remember the change in the kids at the LCO Boys and Girls Club in Hayward after being able to spend consistent time with them and it is fun to watch the trust grow with the North Minneapolis kids.
Kendral working on his homework packet of the week.
Our focus this week in Power Hour has been reading retention.  In addition to regular reading we are asking the kids to tell me of Mr. Vain what they read.

I have also started a new program called Triple Play where we focus on a healthy eating and lifestyle.  We are learning about nutrition and how to read labels on food.  We are also learning some of the major muscled in the body and how to strengthen them.  Several of the teens in the program have the desire and potential to play professional basketball.  We have talked about how most pro-basketball players play in college and the importance of being an all-around athlete. 

We have also talked about the importance of getting 1 hour of exercise a day, regardless of whether you want to be a pro athlete.  Plus, you are never to old to jump around and have fun.


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