Training Update and Pictures

WestonJune 27, 2012

Training for next week (July 2 – July 8):

  • Monday 8:30 – 10:30am at the Range. Skate rollerski plus intro to biathlon!
  • Wednesday – Next Wednesday is the 4th of July and we will not have organized training. Coach Erin Mallory will be at a 5km race in Colchester (longtime Colchester coach Leigh Mallory organizes this event), and I will hopefully be at the GMAA Clarence DeMar 5km race in South Hero. The Clarence DeMar race is organized by Jessica Bolduc and Liz Hollenbach — both skiers on the NWVE Ski Team! Last year had nearly 400 participants on a flat, fast course.
  • Thursday 4:30 – 6:30pm at Charlotte Beach. Skate rollerski.
  • Saturday 9:00 – 11:00am at Mud Pond (Williston). Classic roll + running.

Pictures from the past week or two:

Sunday morning ride in Shelburne. Jake Hollenbach chucking the deuces up! (6/3)

At least 2 junior national champs in this photo! (6/3)

Lukas, Casey, Ethan and Jordan getting their bound on (6/27)

Charlie Cobb under the eye of coach Paul Smith (6/20)

Getting ready to ride…skies clearing (6/3)

Coach Alice Nelson leading some bounding drills with the gals (6/20)

Eli, Alice and Murray leading core (6/20)

Ending training with capture the flag! (6/27)

First official day of summer training. (6/18)

Leslie Roberts sent all those other people to jail (6/27)

Patrick Hickey smiling and Sam Longenbach exploding (6/27)

Forrest Hamilton leading a group doing plyos (6/20)

Looking across Shelburne Bay towards BURLINGTRON – THE CITY OF THE FUTURE (6/3)

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