2012 Prouty Pedalers

FasterSkierJuly 16, 2012

Here are some pics of current SMS’ers who participated in the 2012 Prouty Ride – a fundraiser for the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in Hanover, NH:

Brooke & Pip, post 50 miles.
Molly post 200 miles (100 Friday, 100 Saturday). Wow!

Scott, 100 miles.  Was that your first century Scott?  Nice job!

Russell, post 100 miles.  Obviously Russell’s first century…. 🙂

Koby – 100 miler.  No problems here, still smiling…..

Caught in the act, but still smiling….. Obviously well hydrated – it was hot!

We saw lots of ski friends and SMS alums riding too!


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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012