(Press release)
Sovereign Lake would like to invite you to the 4th Annual Spring Fling Ski Camp, taking place May 10-13th, 2018.
There is still over 2m of snow as of April 26th and we are anticipating even better conditions than last year. Expect 20+ km of ski trails to be open and groomed daily. The image below is from our webcam on April 26th. Watch the weather at this link. https://www. sovereignlake.com/info/webcam/
Trails are open from 7am to 2pm each day and there will once again be access to the Altitude Training Centre’s strength and conditioning room at SilverStar.
We will be hosting the 2nd Edition of ” The Gambler” PushUp Time Trial on Saturday. Check out the video feature on FasterSkier from last year’s event: http://fasterskier.com/fsarticle/wednesday-workout- sovereign-lake-spring-fling- pushups-time-trial/
In addition, we will be featuring a new race format on Sunday! “The Lightning Round” is a new format Enduro Race that will include 3 timed downhill sections including Aberdeen. Check out the website for a map of the course. It’s going to be a doozie. Bring your speed skiing helmet! You have one of those right??
Spring Fling Event Page: https://www.sovereignlake.com/ event/spring-fling-ski-camp/
Registration Page: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=17590
This event is NOT included in a season pass nor can you use Punch Passes for this event. All registrants must pay online by the registration deadline in order to take part. Prices increase by $10 for multi-day passes on May 4th.
Not interested in racing or focussed on training? That’s fine with us. Come up for a ski a brag to your friends about skiing corduroy in May. We are open to everyone.
Come join us for a great late spring ski experience. We can’t wait to see you!