Ghosts of Kincaid Park

Garrott KuzzyDecember 31, 2009

The winter solstice is barely a week behind us and Anchorage is still very much in the dark.  The sun starts rising around 9am.  Fortunately, there’s no ” – ” in front of the 14F like there was last year.

The distant Chugach Mountains make for a cool panorama around the city.  We’ve been waiting to ski until after 10am, so that it’s light enough to see on the trails.  Once on the trail, it’s uncommon not to see moose.  They lurk around the Kincaid Park trails like ghosts, blending in with the surroundings early in the morning.  I almost ran into several on my ski.  These shots are by no means the closest I was to the moose, but rather, the closest I felt comfortable taking a picture of the moose.  Seeing how well they blend in makes me wonder how many more I skied past and didn’t see. . .

Garrott Kuzzy

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