Since retiring from the active ITA roster I seem to have over expanded my other activities. I have been ski racing full time as always, but in addition I have started my own business!
I am manufacturing after market cross country ski accessories. One of the big nuisances when I used to go out skiing was knocking the snow out of the bottom of my ski boot before clipping into the binding. To solve this problem I (along with a lot of help!) created the BootBuddy.
Simple, utile, colorful, indestructible.
So far I’ve been encouraged by all of the positive feedback and excitement about my first product. There are also several other product we’re developing but they won’t be out until Fall 2010.
It’s an odd turn of life… I was halfway through my actuarial licensing, hoping to work my way up to CFO of a company after my ski career. Now I get to be CFO of my own company AND still ski race!