The Best Dog in the World

BrianJune 22, 2010

Tilly Gregg

When I was in 4th grade I remember coming home from soccer practice and Mom and Dad told the three of us kids there was a big surprise waiting for us in the garage.   We opened the door and the cutest dog ever ran out into the yard.

We named her Tilly after the pacific northwest Tillicum Tribe.  She gets reminded off her namesake when we call her.

The Gregg's at Glacier Peak: Jim, Chad, Brian, Tilly, Tara, Jan

After nearly 16 years of fun and adventures Tilly took her final nap the other day. It is sad to lose such a good and faithful friend.  Still, I can’t help but smile as I flip through pictures and recall the many good memories we have made together.  We have always done things as a family and Tilly is part of the family. Living in Baja, Mexico for a month while she was a puppy, flying on the airplane as an avalanche ‘service’ dog, spring crust skis, camping, back country tours, runs/hikes in the mountains and even a bit of rock climbing.

Farm Dog:

She always entertained us and we would try to do the same.  One year we got some runner ducks (think Aflak commercial) to herd, that didn’t work as well as the sheep.  She enjoyed working in the yard and hanging out under the grease drip of ‘Old White’

Where are my skis?

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