
FasterSkierSeptember 1, 2010

A week shy of six months. That’s how long it’s been since I posted here. During that time I’ve been getting 150-250 visitors per month, which is kind of shocking, given how long it’s been since I’ve written anything. Furthermore, a quick look at the page-views makes me think that roughly three-quarters of those visitors are actually looking for content from me. So for those of you still patiently waiting for my return, wait no more, I’m back! Sort of.

Today I renewed for another five years (though I’m pretty confident that if I had accidentally let it lapse, I would have been able to get it back). It wasn’t quite as good a deal as when Yahoo sold it to me the first time around, but I’ll survive. I also promise to start the blog back up again. I don’t quite know what form it will take – probably a little bit more story focused and a little less about individual races and training sessions. Maybe a little bit more personal is the best way to describe the writing I have yet to produce. I also promise to get pictures going again.

But, since this is a blog about ski racing, and I want to keep that context, there’s not going to be much to see here for a little while. Come back in November – I promise another post in two months.


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