We are entering our final week in Canmore, the first two have been filled with ski care, getting use to skiing on snow again, and preparing for USBA Trials races. The first week was very warm, and a mix of roller skiing, running and some skiing by the end of the week. The Canmore Nordic Center does an amazing job of making snow once the weather cooperates and gives cold temps. In the matter of a week with cold temps and some natural snow we have gone from 1k of skiing around the range to over 15k of skiing (mostly on rock skis, but still good skiing).
We lucked out on the weather for the USBA Trials races for both World Cup and IBU Cup positions. The weather provided the temps for snow making but refrained from being so cold that we could not hold races, each day we had cool temps, good shooting conditions, and a clean track to ski on. There were great efforts being put forward on all fronts, we saw great skiing from all of our athletes and very promising shooting. In the end one current MWSC biathlete, Russell Currier came out on top for the men to be selected to compete on the World Cup in December, and three MWSC alumni (Laura Spector, Tracy Barnes, and Bill Bowler) will be joining Russell at either the World Cup or IBU Cup events this december.
With our last week in Canmore we will be taking advantage of the snow that is available and skiing lots. On the schedule will be a trip to Banff to watch the new Harry Potter movie this evening, a long classic ski in Lake Louise, a large Thanksgiving dinner (round two, we tested out this meal while in Utah in October). Below are photos taken since we have been here. We hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving where ever you are!
BethAnn hard at work
Corrine Malcome during first sprint race
Russell skiing out of the range
Wax table at work
Snow making
Men’s Mass Start
Raleigh finishing shooting standing
Kat skiing
Andrea starting second sprint race
Corrine and Andrea shooting standing during first sprint race
Women’s Mass Start
Women shooting prone during Mass Start event