Zach Caldwell’s video beatdown of Tad Elliott for his waxing misdeeds, not only because both of those guys are hilarious, but also because you just may learn something. One you’ve got yourself all learned up, go put those newfound skills to use for realz. Consider this a ‘starter kit’ or even better, a ‘utility kit’ that will get you through most conditions: think of this as Batman’s utility belt inside of your drink belt. If...
Funkadelic In my thick puffies, base layers, classic rollerskis, and we’re doing it people, we’re making a difference. It used to be that I’d see Josh Smullin in outfits like this every day, but now the frequency is down to every second or third day. Baby steps. Baby steps. So the fashion bar has been raised. Good. Very good. But looking good is only part of the picture. What if your outfit is “lit” but you...
You've been waiting, and here it is: FasterSkier's comprehensive rollerski review of some of the best "whap sticks" out there for offseason classic training. Don't do much classic rollerskiing? You should change that.
At long last, a top-to-bottom review of some of the best-known rollerski brands on the market, with a no-BS approach and review team of seasoned skiers, including an Olympic gold medalist, world champion and veterans of World Cup ski-testing protocols.
Heart rate monitors, activity trackers, smart watches -- there is a lot of technology out there at your disposal. But what can competitive athletes use to track both physiological stresses of training and activities of daily living? You've probably heard of Firstbeat; here's a comprehensive look at the system and software.
It's never too early to start thinking about winter, or even those not-so-hot outdoor training sessions in 35-45 degree temperatures. To help you prepare, we've outlined the ideal outfit from top to bottom for these conditions.
Testing outfits and performance wear in the crappiest conditions, all in the name of research. Fast Big Dog presents the latest in his gear-review series: Best in Show, for a 35-45 degree run or rollerski.
A group of Americans, including USSA president and CEO Tiger Shaw, explains why Switzerland's 42-kilometer Engadin freestyle marathon should be on your bucket list, and why you should do it sooner than later.
Master gear reviewer, envelope-pusher, laundry expert.