
Rendezvous Ski Trails

Johansson Surprises in Yellowstone SuperTour Sprint; Hanneman Outlunges Scott for Second

A lot of people might not know who Emil Johansson is. To SuperTour spectators and most of the 200-plus racers in West Yellowstone on Friday, he was an unknown: a Swede racing in the green suit of his home club IK Jarl Rättvik. An exchange student at the University of Colorado in Boulder, he's not part of the team. It was hard to know what he was capable of.

November 26-30, 2013   There is snow in the air and on the ground in West Yellowstone, and now is a great time to check out the ski clinic options over Thanksgiving week at the Yellowstone Ski Festival.  Great coaches, video technique review, and more.  Whether you are an avid recreationalist, racer, or new to the sport, the goal is to make you a better skier. The YSF clinics provide a solid understanding of technique,...

(Press release) YELLOWSTONE SKI FESTIVAL Nov.26-30, 2013 Make your first tracks of the year Trails in West Yellowstone, Montana for the Yellowstone Ski Festival, November 26-30th, 2013. Each year thousands of skiers, from Olympic athletes to first timers, descend on our small mountain town for a week-long celebration of cross-country skiing. Perfectly groomed corduroy on the Rendezvous Ski Trails, featuring 35 kilometers of trails, new warming cabin, and an updated skiers map. Full information and...