
Team Today

Team Today has been quiet for a long while now... well be back with more as soon as we can.  For now rest assured were working as hard and well as we can to give our racers the best opportunities for first: great results for the team, second: great races for each individual, third: great development experience for all racers and staff.  Tune in for more later...

The team traveled from Houghton Michigan to Davos, Switzerland on the 6th of January.  While most of Europe has had horrible snow - no snow - we have had excellent skiing and lots of sun shine.  The athletes have had many good interval sessions and distance workouts since arriving and we have been testing skis like crazy getting ready on all fronts.  The team is healthy, fit and ready.  A small sprint team is off to Russia on Thursday.  We will all be together in Estonia on the 22nd.  Stay tuned.