
2009 June

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_n7a3IKFYbqU/SkCr831SZ6I/AAAAAAAACKM/yhl6_HlVk5M/s1600-h/mail.jpeg"img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5350465419584104354" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px aut...

Last Thursday we did a video session with Ahvo and worked on double pole. DP has been my weekest stroke and I've been working on it since I started with Vakava two years ago. I went back and looked at some video from the previous two years and compared it to this years. It was amazing to see how much it has improved and shows what working with Vakava has done for me. There is no way that I could've made those improvements without this group. These people have not just helped me with technique, but have also given me the motivation and support to do the hard work required to improve my conditioning and strength which is needed to make the technique improvements. Thanks everybody, I couldn't do it without you!br /br /I know others have made dramatic improvements as well. My husband has wondered what the point of a team was for an individual sport. I think this proves it's worth.br /br /June '07 - out of shape and just getting back on roller skis after a 12 yr. hiatus - pitifulbr /object width="320" height="266" class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-2e3253ba7a8435a4" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"param name="movie" value="http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fv9.nonxt6.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fid%3D2e3253ba7a8435a4%26itag%3D5%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26app%3Dblogger%26et%3Dplay%26el%3DEMBEDDED%26ip%3D0.0.0.0%26ipbits%3D0%26expire%3D1264857196%26sparams%3Did%252Citag%252Cip%252Cipbits%252Cexpire%26signature%3D809AA870F40417AEE1D2863E6F1FADBB8C97ACC8.6D3A0558C93F2E86B788A6781B6D6E0B6F4E1BE1%26key%3Dck1amp;nogvlm=1amp;thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3D2e3253ba7a8435a4%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3D4Y2UIozYR8H9VO3n2sfui2SUemwamp;messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den"param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fv9.nonxt6.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fid%3D2e3253ba7a8435a4%26itag%3D5%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26app%3Dblogger%26et%3Dplay%26el%3DEMBEDDED%26ip%3D0.0.0.0%26ipbits%3D0%26expire%3D1264857196%26sparams%3Did%252Citag%252Cip%252Cipbits%252Cexpire%26signature%3D809AA870F40417AEE1D2863E6F1FADBB8C97ACC8.6D3A0558C93F2E86B788A6781B6D6E0B6F4E1BE1%26key%3Dck1amp;nogvlm=1amp;thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3D2e3253ba7a8435a4%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3D4Y2UIozYR8H9VO3n2sfui2SUemwamp;messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/embed/objectbr /br /br /pJune'08 - getting much betterbr /object width="320" height="266" class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-7fb79df2404edaf8" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"param name="movie" value="http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fv21.nonxt1.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fid%3D7fb79df2404edaf8%26itag%3D5%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26app%3Dblogger%26et%3Dplay%26el%3DEMBEDDED%26ip%3D0.0.0.0%26ipbits%3D0%26expire%3D1264857196%26sparams%3Did%252Citag%252Cip%252Cipbits%252Cexpire%26signature%3D3C4ECE02BE4EF6774D295A3A7CD0C9DF40C98876.84041F2B6F8EDA1B13CB696DF13167C22AF02C22%26key%3Dck1amp;nogvlm=1amp;thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3D7fb79df2404edaf8%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3D7T1LMSQRjdaSuPzh6M2zgADjAg4amp;messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den"param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fv21.nonxt1.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fid%3D7fb79df2404edaf8%26itag%3D5%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26app%3Dblogger%26et%3Dplay%26el%3DEMBEDDED%26ip%3D0.0.0.0%26ipbits%3D0%26expire%3D1264857196%26sparams%3Did%252Citag%252Cip%252Cipbits%252Cexpire%26signature%3D3C4ECE02BE4EF6774D295A3A7CD0C9DF40C98876.84041F2B6F8EDA1B13CB696DF13167C22AF02C22%26key%3Dck1amp;nogvlm=1amp;thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3D7fb79df2404edaf8%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3D7T1LMSQRjdaSuPzh6M2zgADjAg4amp;messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/embed/objectbr //ppJune '09 - that's more like it!br /object width="320" height="266" class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-c635648ed8009e3f" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"param name="movie" value="http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fv15.nonxt7.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fid%3Dc635648ed8009e3f%26itag%3D5%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26app%3Dblogger%26et%3Dplay%26el%3DEMBEDDED%26ip%3D0.0.0.0%26ipbits%3D0%26expire%3D1264857196%26sparams%3Did%252Citag%252Cip%252Cipbits%252Cexpire%26signature%3D4BDAA4F4AA8578E10D8C99A319DE981923B9A179.55CB9F6F6EB7BF2A97AEBEEE7C00BC0FFCC23BC5%26key%3Dck1amp;nogvlm=1amp;thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3Dc635648ed8009e3f%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3DWFBD-0oUVeMlcjruEIupf-5qPq8amp;messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den"param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fv15.nonxt7.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fid%3Dc635648ed8009e3f%26itag%3D5%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26app%3Dblogger%26et%3Dplay%26el%3DEMBEDDED%26ip%3D0.0.0.0%26ipbits%3D0%26expire%3D1264857196%26sparams%3Did%252Citag%252Cip%252Cipbits%252Cexpire%26signature%3D4BDAA4F4AA8578E10D8C99A319DE981923B9A179.55CB9F6F6EB7BF2A97AEBEEE7C00BC0FFCC23BC5%26key%3Dck1amp;nogvlm=1amp;thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3Dc635648ed8009e3f%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3DWFBD-0oUVeMlcjruEIupf-5qPq8amp;messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/embed/object/pdiv class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/1572647974447867713-6353847263954332833?l=vakavaraceteam.blogspot.com' alt='' //div

div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"pobject height="350" width="425"param value="http://youtube.com/v/j6wdRIhUHz4" name="movie"embed height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://youtube.com/v/j6wdRIhUHz4"/embed/object/p...

After running the Freestate 100k earlier this spring Lindsey and I made a stop in Iowa City for an event at Fin and Feather. After the event I got to do an interview for their “Fin and Feather Report” which is broadcast in Iowa their CBS affiliate Channel 2 and also via the web. [...]

The Central Cross Country Ski Association (CXC) has recently re-launched the CXC Elite Team Blog to accommodate for several new additions to its existing content. The http://www.cxceliteblog.com now has a section for video called “CXC Academy”. Since the launch of the CXC Academy http://www.cxcacademy.com in May of 2008 we have produced and pub¬lished over 65 [...]

20-year-old Willie Neal of Jackson Hole, WY was killed yesterday while roller skiing in Fort Fairfield, Maine. Police told WCXU-FM that 20-year-old William Neal of Jackson, Wyo., was training with a friend in Fort Fairfield at 8:30 p.m. Sunday when he was struck by a vehicle driven by 18-year-old Eric Lunquist of Fort Fairfield.  According to the Fort Fairfield Police Department, the skiers were on the correct side of the road when an automobile struck...

The MOD Squad just finished up the ninth week of training for the 09 season, a week of testing and marker setting for the upcoming months. We used several modalities throughout the week: double pole machine, running, rollerskiing, and bounding on a tre...

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_3c1Nv5NLyNg/Sj-uecFxq0I/AAAAAAAAAg8/qZyeKlceBuw/s1600-h/IMG_0233.JPG"img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: poi...

The first week of training up here in Park City has been going great.  I’ve had the Physical Therapists with the U.S. Ski Team look at my legs to make sure they have been healing correctly, and that I am getting back into my training without causing any more damage.  The PTs are very happy with [...]

A Dream Realized

Rick Halling is Nordic Race Director for Atomic US. Nordic skiers love our blogs and websites where too often we dwell on the negative.  Sometimes our discussions degenerate to the point of whining and always present is the claim that Nordic doesn’t get its fair share of support.  A number of times it has been suggested that the US Cross Country Team and US Nordic Combined Team should break away from USSA and form a...

Join the U.S. Ski Team at the biennial Coaches Education Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  This three-day event, from September 25-27, is for all cross country ski coaches and athletes looking to improve their knowledge of the sport.  The 11 presentations will address a myriad of development topics that are guaranteed to improve one’s strength as a coach or an athlete.  From training and physiology presentations by Sweden’s renowned cross country physiologist Hans Christer Holmberg, to...

Bird Ridge. 3 miles, 3400 ft uphill the whole way. Throw some wet, wind, and cold and that was nasty. Brent and I took off from the start and I felt super comfortable for about 15 minutes until last week caught up I couldn't match the pace. After about 25 minutes some of those classic skiing muscle that I abused last week started to cramp up in the cold and I was waddling up the mountain with my feet two feet apart. Trying to keep moving just hoping they would come around so I could hold on to second place. Luckily for me once Tor Kristopherson (3rd) got to within 5-10 seconds the course started to level out enough that I could run and the cramping let up and was able to pull away and save second. The best effort of the day had to be Rob Whitney who was 6th or so, that man can suffer!

Next up, a couple days of rest working down at the Raven before getting back to it on Wednesday.

Bird Ridge. 3 miles, 3400 ft uphill the whole way. Throw some wet, wind, and cold and that was nasty. Brent and I took off from the start and I felt super comfortable for about 15 minutes until last week caught up I couldn't match the pace. After about...

Only one week until the City of Lakes Tri-Loppet event (and urban off-road triathlon) and everyone is gearing up for a great event. Over the past two and a half months 30 kids from the Anwatin and Anderson middle schools have been meeting three days a ...

Only one week until the City of Lakes Tri-Loppet event (and urban off-road triathlon) and everyone is gearing up for a great event. Over the past two and a half months 30 kids from the Anwatin and Anderson middle schools have been meeting three days a ...

Only one week until the City of Lakes Tri-Loppet event (and urban off-road triathlon) and everyone is gearing up for a great event. Over the past two and a half months 30 kids from the Anwatin and Anderson middle schools have been meeting three days a ...

Only one week until the City of Lakes Tri-Loppet event (and urban off-road triathlon) and everyone is gearing up for a great event. Over the past two and a half months 30 kids from the Anwatin and Anderson middle schools have been meeting three days a ...