first race at nationals!

FasterSkierJanuary 3, 2010

Yesterday was the first race at U.S. Nationals, the Freestyle Sprint up in Anchorage, Alaska. The race started at 10am (the sun rose at 10:12). So we piled into the van in the morning, and it felt like we were going out for a midnight drive it was so dark! But it wasn’t a midnight joy ride… it was morning, and we were on our way to do some cross country ski racing!!!
It was a chilly morning so I bundled up and headed out to test my race skis and to ski a hard warmup. I tested my skis, and picked my fastest pair and gave them to my coaches to put the super-secret powders on before my race. I took the other pair and skied for about an hour with a bunch of sprints and speeds and intervals before the race. By the time I lined up at the start to do the qualifying prelim I was hot and ready to go! So I got the countdown and took off onto the racecourse. I went as hard as I could, and crossed the finish line with the taste of blood in my mouth and legs made of jell-o.
I had qualified 17th, so I would be advancing into the rounds in the afternoon. So I skied a quick cooldown and headed into the lodge to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and relax for a few hours before the afternoon racing.
I warmed up again, and headed to the starting line again… only this time it wasn’t just against the clock. The quarterfinals are heats of 6 skiers, and only the top 2 move on to the semis (plus there are just 2 lucky losers for the top bibs in 3rd place in all the heats).
Skiers to their mark, skiers set… BANG!!!! And we were off! I felt strong and full of energy heading out of the stadium and up over the big climb. I settled comfortably in 2nd place heading down the fast downhill into the stadium… untill Ida had used my draft and sling-shot right around me at the bottom of the hill. I wasn’t too worried because I had felt so great heading up the hill, I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal to pass her back. But the time came to pass her back and my body had hit a wall, and I couldn’t shift into that extra gear that I needed. So I didn’t advance to the semis. Bummer.

But its a busy week, so time to look forward and move on! Tomorrow (Monday) is a 10 km freestyle race, and it will be my first distance skate race since my last leg surgeries, so I am super excited for that! Also, its supposed to start warming up here starting tomorrow into the upper 20’s!!! YAHOO!


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