School’s out for SUMMER!

FasterSkierJune 26, 2010

Well we got no choice, All the girls and boys, Makin all that noise, ‘Cause they found new toys, Well we can’t salute ya, Can’t find a flag, If that don’t suit ya, Thats a drag. School’s out for summer, School’s out forever, Schools been blown to pieces!

Just like the great Alice Cooper song “School is out for Summer”. Everyone is finally done with school even our youngsters who just finished 8th grade! Practice has been going great and we have been able to get some great work done. Even though school just finished Stefan already had
to leave for Colorado and the Air Force Academy. He will be greatly missed and was an important part of the foundation that has helped shape the program in to what it is today. We all wish him the best of luck and look forward to skiing with him when he comes home on break this winter.

Last week we got through our first real interval sessions of the summer. We spent the first three weeks getting use to being back on our skis, and focusing on technique and base fitness. The weather has been great and the kids have really been getting after it.

This summer is already been amazing! Just seeing over 20 kids on roller-skis all working together in Rochester is awesome and is still just the tip of the iceberg! In addition to roller-skiing we have been making our way to the local alpine resort for some ski walking sessions. We have also found time to play as well. There is nothing better than a cold swim after a hot hard workout.

Don’t forget to enjoy it and get your Twerk ON !!


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