Week In Review: Friday July 2nd

JoranJuly 2, 2010

My first full month of blogging is in the books!  I’ll be travelling a bit over the next ten days, so posting might be a little lighter than usual, but not much.  I’ve got a bunch of stuff lined up already written…

Here’s a look back at what’s been going on here this past week:

  • I took my alternative FIS point method, EqPB, out for a drive to see how it handles.
  • We took a look at Kris Freeman’s victims and nemeses, which took us on a bit of a data detour.
  • I expressed my not so veiled opinion about the diversity of events in cross country skiing.
  • I took a look at skiers who’ve just missed the podium in a variety of unusual settings.
  • I gave a brief overview of shooting accuracy in biathlon
  • Finally, our retiring athlete series continues with Virpi Kuitunen.

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