
Sverre CaldwellJuly 28, 2011

We had another beautiful day for our d-pole distance workout this morning. 2 hours of upper body work isn’t too bad when the temps are in the low 60’s!

Most of the crew is pretty well recovered from last week, but some are still tired. As coaches, we try to have the group doing similar workouts so they can work together and we can monitor them. During easy periods, this is simple because everyone feels good. When we ramp up training, it is very important to individualize. The goal is to stress the system and then allow it to recover and build up stronger. There are a bunch of tricks to allow us to do more like alternating upper and lower body stress, following hard days with easy days etc, But.. it is very important for the athletes to be realistic and allow adequate recovery. Without recovery, you just tear yourself down. Since last week was tough for everyone, this week will be easy to very easy. The goal for this week is to feel good by Sunday.

Sverre Caldwell

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