Jr Camp D-pole Test and Pictures

Sverre CaldwellAugust 19, 2011

Here are a bunch more pictures from today. Above, Poppet talks about goal setting, while below..the younger kids work on classic technique and do the double pole test.

The D-pole test.

With the usual disclaimer that roller skis come in different speeds and that the older kids did the test in the am, while the younger ones did it in the pm..here are the times:

Fritz 2:36
Paddy 2:43
Tyler 2:46
Austin 2:50
A Cobb 2:50
Hamish 2:51
Brian 2:54
George 2:54
Josh 3:02
Nate 3:02
Peter 3:04
Calvin 3:09
Chris 3:10
Mac 3:11
Sam 3:12
Max 3:18
Koby 3:23
Seth 3:30
Gavin 3:40
Spencer 3:41
Anthony 3:49
Noah 3:50
Hank 3:51
Thomas 4:02
Sidney 4:05
Evan 4:05
Graham 4:08
Jake 4:13
Alex 5:39
Marco 5:45 (two broken tips)
Sophie 3:06
Heather 3:17
Cate 3:21
Brooke 3:29
Cambria 3:29
Rebecca 3:31
Issy P 3:35
Rachel 3:48
Hallie 3:56
Clara 4:03
Emma H 4:06
Tara 4:12
Charlotte 4:18
Sienna 4:24
Pippin 4:27
Katharine 4:27
Linnea 4:30
Brenna 4:35
Tess 4:36
Alma 4:43
Emma S 4:50
Ana 4:51
Keena 5:05
Elise 5:09
Ainara 5:13
Leah 5:17
Julia 5:20
Emily 5:29
Anna 5:34
Lizzie 5:38
Cally 6:02
Lea 6:05
Kelly 6:21
Leena 6:41
Lily 6:46
Katie 7:19
Good job everyone!

Part of the agility course that the older kids did this afternoon included some off roading.


Sprint starts.


Tomorrow we will do out mountain run and various strength routines 🙂

Sverre Caldwell

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