We are in to our second full week of summer practice. Last week we got back to the basics and went over goals and expectations of the program and athletes. This week we are starting to do the work that will build the foundation we will use in the coming months .
The work started with the baseline fitness test. This is a great test because it is standardized and there is a lot of information (test results) to compare our own information to. It also is a quick reminder that no matter what you have been doing you can always improve an aspect of your training. Its also not a bad thing to remember what it feels like to hurt a little.
( Getting back after it)
We started the test with our traditional running test. We have been doing it for the last 3 years. I have yet to compare the data but it seemed as though most athletes set P.R’s and as a group were on pace for where the needed to be.
(Into it)
I’m truly blessed to have great athletes and great coaches involved with this program ! The above picture shows the athletes completing the baseline fitness test under the watchful eye of coach Roger Weston. Yeah that ROGER WESTON !
Coach Weston brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and fun to the program. He is currently undergoing a personal transformation that has seen him lose over 30 lbs since last summer. He just raced in the Whiteface-Wilmington Road Race and Saranac Crit this weekend in the 65+ field. After some 30 years away from competitive cycling he is back on the saddle and looking good !
It takes focus, teamwork, and effort to get the best out of yourself ! It does not matter what school you go to, who your grandfather is, where you live, or anything else you think hampers your development all it takes is HARD WORK ! and a lot of it….
Last year our Mid-A J2 boys team was comprised of 3 RNR athletes they missed the medals by .3 seconds. Two of them are pictured above and were partners during the baseline test. Watching them complete the test I know they are still thinking about that .3 seconds ! I don’t think they need much motivation !