Level 3 Intervals w/ SMS T2 Team

September 9, 2012
 This morning we did L3 skate intervals at Ball Mountain Dam.  We’ve done this workout many times in the last few months, but today was extra special as we had a whole crew of coaches spectating as part of the NENSA Coaches Symposium.  Gus & Sverre gave a presentation at the symposium in the morning and then everyone headed to BMD to watch how our team works together at practice.    
The intervals are between 10-14 minutes depending on where you start on the course and the athlete.  The goal for the SMS high school skiers is to time the start of their intervals so they are able to hop in and ski with the SMS T2 skiers for a chunk of time.  
 For some athletes this means starting with the elite team athletes… for others this means starting part way through and catching a ride as they pass by.  Everyone works with their individual coach to fine tune the plan for the workout and figure out how many intervals to do.
 It was a perfect day for practice: beautiful, cloudless blue sky – it’s always like this in Southern Vermont. : )   More photos from the day here.
 Above, Alex Cobb gets rolling on her first inteval.
 The SMS T2 girls – Jessie, Sophie, Annie Hart (training with us for the fall while on her term off from Dartmouth), and Erika make the hill look easy. 
 Paddy leads a pack of guys.
 Scott Mooney catches a ride with the SMS T2 ladies.
 Sverre gets ready to get times and average heart rates from a big pack of guys finishing up their interval.
 The J2 girls (left) head out on the interval course’s gradual downhill as the SMS T2 women ski through.  
Mackenzie – working on keeping her hands high! 

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012