The Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks (NSCF) is looking for an energetic and enthusiastic individual to lead its junior racing and training program, Fairbanks Cross Country (FXC) as Head Coach. This person would also serve as the Director of Skier Development, overseeing FXC and the club’s other instructional programs.
Salary starts at approximately $45,000, plus reimbursements for retirement and health care costs, depending upon experience. The Head Coach/Director of Skier Development reports directly to the Skier Development Oversight Committee, which committee reports to the Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks Board of Directors.
Ideally, the candidate who is selected would arrive in Fairbanks to start leading the program by late summer. NSCF/FXC will assist with travel and/or moving costs.
Interested parties should send letters of interest and resumés to The position will remain open until filled. A selection committee from the NSCF will conduct interviews via telephone with qualified candidates.
Information about the program, the club and the community:
FXC has been in existence for 12 years, growing in that time from a program with less than a dozen skiers to a program with 100 or more skiers involved in seasonal and year-round programs at the Competition, Prep, and Junior Development levels, as well as a modest Masters program. Besides the head coach there is one year-round assistant coach as well as part-time coaches. The club’s other instructional programs include the Junior Nordic program for skiers up to middle-school age, and an Adult Lessons program.
Fairbanks is blessed with one of the longest ski seasons in the nation on natural snow – from late October to late April – at an elevation of under 1000’ above sea level. The home venue for the program is Birch Hill Recreation Area, known around the US for its outstanding trail network and world class facilities.
FXC has dedicated space in buildings at Birch Hill. FXC also owns a 2016 passenger van and trailer for hauling gear. FXC skiers participate in a full schedule of local races, as well as JNQ races elsewhere in Alaska. Top skiers in the program participate in US National Championships. FXC coaches are part of the coaching staff on the Alaska Junior National Team.
The 50-year-old Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks has approximately 1000 members and is in sound financial condition. It has provided strong support for cross country skiing in general and for FXC in particular since its inception in 2006. Fairbanks also has a strong tradition of high school cross country skiing.
There are exceptional opportunities for a wide variety of exciting outdoor recreational opportunities in and nearby Fairbanks. Fairbanks has a full array of dining, entertainment, lodging and shopping options and is the home of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, which has a cross country ski team. Fairbanks has excellent connections by passenger jet to major airports throughout the US. The population of the Fairbanks North Star Borough is approximately 100,000.
The job descriptions for the FXC Head Coach / Director of Skier Development positions are available at: