
2009 September

Today I embark on the first journey of the season. Once this trip begins I may not stop rolling until March. And maybe not even then. The nominal reason for this trip is a training camp over in Lake Placid, NY, but I am going to take advantage of a res...

Today I embark on the first journey of the season. Once this trip begins I may not stop rolling until March. And maybe not even then. The nominal reason for this trip is a training camp over in Lake Placid, NY, but I am going to take advantage of a res...

Today I embark on the first journey of the season. Once this trip begins I may not stop rolling until March. And maybe not even then. The nominal reason for this trip is a training camp over in Lake Placid, NY, but I am going to take advantage of a res...

Today I embark on the first journey of the season. Once this trip begins I may not stop rolling until March. And maybe not even then. The nominal reason for this trip is a training camp over in Lake Placid, NY, but I am going to take advantage of a res...

Today I embark on the first journey of the season. Once this trip begins I may not stop rolling until March. And maybe not even then. The nominal reason for this trip is a training camp over in Lake Placid, NY, but I am going to take advantage of a res...


Kate WhitcombSeptember 25, 2009

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Today was a great day I was able to get on to snow for the first time this year and I was able to do it in an amazing ski tunnel located here in Oberhof.Oberhof is an athletes dream; you realize immediately why some of the best Nordic athletes in the w...

CXC Releases Cross-Country Technique Progressions DVD

Running Time: 1 hour 20 minutes | Color | Widescreen (16:9) The DVD contains: Dryland Progressions General single stick and double pole drill; Single stick and double pole drill facing away; Kick forward and back drill; Adduction and abduction drill; explosive kick; Drills for classic and skate; General Activity drills; Classic kick; Stable balance. Skate Progressions (on rollerskis) Getting started on skate rollerskis; V1; V1 ski loading; V2; V2 alternate drills (no poles) Classic Progressions...

The Finnish police said Monday that the so-called STT doping case would proceed to the consideration of charges stage and confirmed that there were six suspects. The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) launched the inquiry last year after Kari-Pekka Kyrö, a former head coach of the Finnish cross-country team, said that “a systematic doping culture” had prevailed in the Finnish Ski Association with the consent of the top brass of the governing body. “The case...

The WADA’s Executive Committee, including FIS President Gian Franco Kasper, has approved the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods for 2010. Meeting in Montreal (CAN) last weekend, the WADA Executive was pleased to see that the 2010 List reflects the latest scientific advances. The new List will now be officialized and published on WADA’s Website by 1st October 2009. It will take effect on 1st January 2010. The 2010 List offers some changes compared to...

The registration deadline for the inaugural edition of the World Winter Masters Games is coming up in just one short month on 25th October 2009. Scheduled for 25th-31st January 2010 in Bled (SLO), the World Winter Masters Games offers recreational athletes in Alpine or Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Jumping, Biathlon, Ice Hockey and Indoor Football who are older than 25 or 30 years the perfect chance to experience the excitement of the biggest sport events. So...

Bogus Basin Nordic Team is hosting a classic roller ski sprint race over a one-way, 1 km course – free from traffic, in beautiful Ann Morrison Park on the Boise River. This race will showcase nordic skiing to over 5,000 spectators attending ALPENFEST, an Octoberfest celebration taking place next to the race finish area. Join us for flat-out fun! Cash Prizes awarded to top 3 Open Finishers. Nice gifts for top 4 juniors. Register by...

I have Great News!  Salomon has just become a sponsor of the BERGKÖNIG 8K Run at Lapham Peak on October 17th.  They have donated 2 pair of running shoes that will be awarded to the top male and female participants overall.  There will also be Salomon water bottles available to the first 100 participants to [...]


September 24, 2009

img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 300px; height: 400px;" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Qy8LpbgYOag/Srw6kvgH7MI/AAAAAAAAAQI/TLWSLuJ0g4c/s400/AA1.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_...

pobject width="320" height="266" class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-bcdee4a5ed99c639" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"param name="m...

Cross-Country Canada has released a revised version of the Canadian Competition Model for Able Body. From the introduction to the revision: The goal of this revision was to align the competition model with the LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) guidelines per development stages, from Active Start to Training To Win. LTAD alignment means to avoid doing things we shouldn’t be doing from a developmental perspective for specific LTAD stages (like having Atoms and Pee-Wees racing on courses with...


FasterSkierSeptember 24, 2009

Well the running races are over. For me the races went alright, and I learned a lot so they were successful in that respect. I did not do as well as I would of liked but keeping everything in perspective they were good. My teammate Sam Morse had a coup...

div style="text-align: left;"Sometimes you need to burn off a little extra fat. My most recent training partner and I have been working on this. After our September training camp I took advantage of a $59 Sun Country flight to Washington for my brother...

OK this is my test since I've never written a blog before. My prior posts were actually emailed to Nate and he published them for me so here goes:br /Training is going pretty well. I think I'm a little behind last summer at this time due to a strained ab muscle and a few other things but I'm feeling good now and hoping I can have a good fall. I did intervals yesterday with my new heart rate monitor - yes, I guess I am a technology resistor - and was surprised that I could not get my HR above 170. I'm either a wimp or I have a low max HR. Regardless, I figured that today should be a recovery day. I lifted weights in the AM and this afternoon went out for a relaxing skate in North Oaks, throwing in a couple of pick ups. During one fast pickup on the flats I flushed an owl. A big one. As I watched it take flight right in front of me I noticed a snake dangling from it's beak. Most of my memorable wildlife sightings are great all around experiences but this one left me with a puzzling combination of awe and eww.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/1572647974447867713-6710574507690981878?l=vakavaraceteam.blogspot.com' alt='' //div