Back to Work !

FasterSkierJune 13, 2011
June 1st was the official start date for the summer program. With each new “season” athletes, coaches, friends, and family have expectations, goals, dreams, and among a long list of other things a lot of work to get done before the snow is on the ground. To get everyone in the correct frame of mind and to remind them of just how it feels to hurt we don’t waste any time.
For the past three years we have been using the first week of practice to complete our baseline fitness test. It is a modification of the Canadian Baseline Test Model with a couple of variations to better suite and accommodate our athletes. For many it was the first time completing the test so it truly was being used as a “Baseline” a starting point for their own development. For others that have completed the test it is used as a “Benchmark” to see how they compared to previous years. It does not matter how many times you have completed the test it is still super hard and never gets any easier.
Here are a few pictures from the test. As you can see a lot of the athletes are venturing in to that special place that we like to refer to as the “Pain Cave”. Here is to a great summer and a many more visits in to the “Cave”
(Some of the guys getting to work)
(Mr.Synergy working on the future but
has been building the foundation since R.N.R was formed)
( Safe to say these two know they way)
(Coordination? Yea you need that ! Strength, determination yea you need that and a whole lot more to accomplish your goals)
( The best way to learn is to follow, and do your best to learn from the best, there will be a lot of following the middle man around this summer)
( Strait up strength ! You need a lot of that! )
( You have to have a passion and there is no lack of it within Coach Weston)


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