Happy Westgiving !

FasterSkierNovember 24, 2011
Since arriving in West Yellowstone we have a lot to give thanks for ! The weather has been unbelievable with over 20 inches of snow on the ground and seasonable temperatures we have been really lucky.
(The Gates To Heaven?)
The goal and reasoning on our decision to come to West was to get some quality early season hours on snow ! I’m pretty sure we have accomplished that with 4+ hours each day. West is more than just training though. It is an opportunity to be a part of the sport. If you have been around Nordic skiing long enough you have heard about “West” and I’m lucky to have been able to experience it. I know why people come and I know why they come back.
(The Crew)
It’s an opportunity to see old friends, meet new ones, and enjoy everything that our sport has to offer. The expo is an amazing opportunity to not only see all of the new products from every major player in the Nordic industry but also to talk to someone who knows what they are talking about. You can walk in to any ski shop in the country and look at skis but the knowledge that is in West Yellowstone is amazing. Each major ski and wax company as well as most apparel companies have there heads of state here in West.
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the TOKO University for my first three days here in west. The job that Ian Harvey does with TOKO here in the U.S is amazing and put together a schedule that included everything from wax formulations to having guest speakers. It was an amazing opportunity that was only made better by those who were involved.
Alright that’s it for now, it’s time to ski AGAIN ! Yeaaaaa Buddy !


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