
2012 September

The end of the summer is pretty much upon us, and that means it's time for our final summer camp...Germany!  This year has been pretty similar to our camp here last year: we spent two weeks in Ruhpolding and are now in Oberhof for one final week b...

This weekend the SMST2 Team skied 100 km as a team fundraiser.  Donations were given to the athletes from generous individuals on a per kilomteter basis.  The athletes will use this money for training/racing expenses throughout the year.We be...

Your bodies number one job is to keep itself alive.  (this is where you yell, “Thank you Captain Obvious!”) As an athlete you ride the fine line between pushing your body to adapt and get stronger and pushing your body to freak out and get over protective.  This happens often times when athletes get sick, [...]

On Friday the SMS T2 team finished up our mini camp in Maine. We had a solid four days of speed, intensity, kayaking, lobster and surfing. After a 3 hour running and roller-ski workout Wednesday morning, the camp headed to the coast for the aftern...