

Nordic Nation: Holly Brooks on Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic

We’ve all heard the phrase: “These are unprecedented times.” And it is true. What the world is facing during the Covid-19 pandemic is something that none of us have experienced before. We are all feeling it.  Uncertainty is ubiquitous and caused by a myriad of factors. We may be concerned about the health of ourselves and our families, or about the financial impacts of our country coming to a halt. We might be attempting to...

Nordic Nation: Ollie Burruss and Shades of Green at Craftsbury

This past fall, the Craftsbury Outdoor Center (COC) updated its wax use policy. The New England institution was one of the first and among the largest cross-country ski centers to implement a policy curbing the use of perfluorinated wax on its premises. The Craftsbury Outdoor Center supports values and practices that try to minimize its impact on the environment while still providing recreational opportunities for visitors. The Craftsbury Outdoor Center hopes to help lead the...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Out of Quarantine and a Dive into the News Cycle

  Kershaw is free from quarantine and back at home in Lillehammer. As we all know, the race season has been shut down. That means it’s time to discuss news items of note. Like…the “flexing” of some skiers as they ski an un-godly number of kilometers, Stina Nilsson’s switch from cross-country to biathlon, the Norwegian Ski Federation’s financial crisis, and, the retirement of Norway’s Eirik Brandsdal. (The U.S. Ski Team’s Erik Bjornsen also announced his retirement...

Nordic Nation: Going the Distance with Ben Lustgarten

Live, from Vermont, it was Ben Lustgarten of the Craftsbury Green Racing Project — we spoke to Ben about his recent retirement announcement from full-time training and racing at the elite level. Lustgarten’s name is synonymous with the SuperTour’s sharp end. He’s also known to throw down burly strength workouts. He qualified and raced in two World Championships and claimed a 30 k classic National Championship in 2017.   In this episode, we discuss the reasons...

The Devon Kershaw Show: The Quarantined in Sjusjøen Episode

  Canceled. The North American leg of the World Cup became a blip as the weight of a pandemic became too much to bear for organizers. Minneapolis canceled. Canmore canceled. And….finally…Québec canceled. We discuss what was a crazy week when, accordingly, the globe shut down pro and amateur sport. We spoke with Kershaw when he was six days into a 14-day quarantine. Kershaw had been in Germany for World Juniors and upon his return to...

The Devon Kershaw Show: An American in Germany … and A Recap of Lahti’s Relays

It is Monday after all. A day late for the Lahti relay recap but right on time to discuss U.S. skier, Gus Schumacher’s 10 k classic win at World Juniors. The 19-year-old Schumacher from Anchorage, Alaska can close – and he did that Monday with a burning fast final 3.3 k loop in taking the win. And yeah, the women’s 4 x 5 k  and the men’s 4 x 7.5 k relays played out at...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Living Large in Lahti and a Wee Bit on Junior Worlds

Post-Ski Tour 2020 it was back to the basics for the World Cup: Interval start classic races for the men and women. The local boy, Iivo Niskanen, still claims the 15 k classic as his race, especially when it goes down in Finland. For the women, Norway’s Therese Johaug pipped it out the win over Ebba Andersson of Sweden.   This was good solid racing in the 10 k and 15 k, respectively. Devon, by...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Stage 6 Ski Tour 2020 — Waxing for Hell or High Water

Stage 6 of the Ski Tour 2020 was, by any stretch of the imagination, a steamroller for Norway. A clean sweep on the men’s and women’s podium. On the men’s side, that’s not exactly what we expected. Russia’s Alexander Bolshunov looked like a sure thing for the overall win. A 30 k classic for the 23-year-old, I mean who would have predicted anything different? The weather was all over the place. As Devon has said...

Stage 5 Ski Tour 2020: Championship Style Classic Sprinting

A full-on championship course in Trondheim, Norway where the World Championships will go down in the mid-2020s. That’s a long way off. This much was true: the venue, like this tour, has been kind to Norway. Maiken Caspersen Falla and Johannes Høsflot Klæbo pleased the home fans. And yes, with all the fans, it seems this might be a venue to revisit in the near future. One more day, a Stage 6 15 k/ 30...

The Devon Kershaw Show — Stage 4 Ski Tour 2020: Lung Busting Across the Norwegian Countryside

The race ended where it began: Stage 4 of the Ski Tour 2020. In between, it was 34 k mass start skate bliss through the Norwegian countryside for those watching from home. For those racing on course, it was not such a comfortable vibe. Pain cave anybody? We discuss the unstoppable Johaug and an Alexander Bolshunov who sent it … and stuck it, as he made a one-skier-show of the front of the race. We...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Stage 3 Ski Tour 2020 – The Leg Flooding Sprint

Åre, Sweden — the site of the national (alpine) ski area in Sweden. Also the site of Stage 3 of the Ski Tour 2020’s skate sprint. Short at 0.66 k, but oh so steep with a finishing climb with slopes at 28 percent. Yah! 28 percent. Maybe part sideshow, maybe not. Either way, athletes had to get themselves to the top. In what was a leg-burning affair, for a one-off event, it was sporting entertainment....

The Devon Kershaw Show: Ski Tour 2020 Stage 2 and a Deviation into Biathlon

  The Ski Tour 2020 show continued Sunday in Östersund, Sweden with the men’s and women’s classic pursuit races. Again, as we discuss in the podcast, it was Norway and Russia heavy on the men’s side. Actually more Norway than Russia.   For the women, Johaug did her thing, but the racing was gritty. A chase pack of three and a speedy group from fifth through sixteenth made the 10 k affair a fun watch. Like...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Ski Tour 2020 Stage 1

It was all Norway in both the men’s and women’s Stage 1 of the Ski Tour 2020 from Östersund, Sweden. Sjur Røthe on the men’s side was pacing perfection while Therese Johaug simply steamrolled. This was clear, Norway had the best skis, and perhaps by default, the fastest skiers almost across the top-10 board. Yet, it is a long week ahead, and we are one stage into a six-stage event. Here’s the debrief from Devon:...

Nordic Nation: Brian Gregg and Matt Liebsch-Faster Together

Independent of one another, Brian Gregg and Matt Liebsch are always to be feared as they line up for a ski race. Now in their mid-thirties, their lives have transitioned to other responsibilities that include partners, children, and full-time work. Yet, in the highly competitive world of elite-level ski racing, these two have maintained a healthy friendship and are fast and furious training partners. We could spend time noting their accomplishments on the ski tracks...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Falun’s Mass Starts and Eating Words

  Sometimes when the unexpected happens, it’s a good thing. That’s what went down today in Falun, Sweden. In the men’s 15 k mass start skate, it was not a scrum of 20 to 30 skiers in a cluster at the finish. A fast and furious pace set by Hans Christer Holund turned that concept on its head. Although the race was won by Alexander Bolshunov, the wily Norwegian that is Holund, took it out hot...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Bravo Falun! We Loved the Classic Sprint Show

In this episode —  an analysis of a wonderful day of classic sprinting in Falun, Sweden. First off, hats off to the organizing committee: the fans were out in force, Sweden showed up to race, Johaug advanced to the semis, two Norwegians pounced in the men’s race….inhale — it was simply a fun day of skiing. And, Falun’s course was for real. Stout climbs forced athletes to run hills and technical banked turns kept everybody...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Slinging Stats with the Statistical Skier

  This week, we re-posted a great piece from the Statistical Skier (Joran Elias). Before jumping into this episode, it’s worth taking some time to digest some of the findings. He wrote the piece in response to a podcast we posted after the classic sprint in Oberstdorf, Germany. In that sprint, Norway’s Johannes Høsflot Klæbo had an astounding qualifier. In the podcast following the race, we discussed Klæbo’performance and the time-back to some skiers in...

The Devon Kershaw Show: Finding the Magic in Oberstdorf — Day 2 Classic Sprints

In this episode of of The Devon Kershaw Show from FasterSkier, it is all classic: a deep breakdown from Devon on the nature of Obertsdorf, Germany’s classic sprint course. The course has some relevance for this basic reason: the 2021 FIS Nordic Ski World Championships will be held at this venue next season. And what a preview. With three steep climbs, a wee bit of recovery, this sprint course demands big capacity. There’s also the...

The Devon Kershaw Show: From Oberstdorf with Love — Day  1 Skiathlons

Next season the 2021 FIS Nordic Ski World Championships will be hosted by Oberstdorf, Germany. On Saturday, the women raced a 15 k skiathlon, the men 30 k on what is now a gut-punch of a course. It is championship-worthy. In today’s episode, we cover all the striding, all the gliding, and the ski-exchanges in between. Bolshunov remains on form after the TdS, while two notable Norwegians, Johannes Høsflot Klæbo and Emil Iversen appear to be in...

Nordic Nation: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) and the Climate in High Performance Skiing

In this episode, hosted by FasterSkier contributor Rachel Perkins, we dive into the issue of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). This condition was formerly known as the female athlete triad, which was described as inadequate energy intake, the loss of menstruation (amenorrhea), and decreased bone mineral density. The name was changed to include males, who are also affected, and to expand beyond the three symptoms originally included. Though not quite the same, the condition...