

FasterSkier provides independent reviews of products, races and places to ski! Race Reviews give you information that is only acquired through actually doing the event, including what you need to know about the course, potential waxing challenges, and much more. Places to Ski reviews are similar – we’ll make sure you hit the best trails, are dressed properly, and get the tastiest post-ski lunch in the lodge. We rigorously test all products that we review and provide a balanced report on the pros and cons of each product. If you would like to see a specific product, race, or ski area reviewed, please let us know!
Concept2 SkiErg Review

Concept2 SkiErg ($730 – $1105) http://www.concept2.com/us/skierg/ The Concept2 SkiErg was designed by the same people that brought the rowing and fitness community the Indoor Rower.  Concept2 has turned their attention to skiing, and have produced a machine that could have a significant impact on ski training. We tested the version that is equipped as a stand-alone unit and fitted with the Concept2 PM4 monitor.  This is the more advanced of the two Performance Monitors from...

Ski Skett Roller Ski Reviews

Italian company Ski Skett has been making roller skis since 1973, offering a wide range of ski options, from low-cost aluminum shaft skis to high-end carbon/fiber glass skis.  Skate Skis: Carbon Flex Skate 80 Carbon Skate 100 Fire PE Fire PL Fire PV Shark Classic Skis: Carbon Flex Bull Nord CL Combi Skis: Nord PL2 Nord PV2 Nord TB Skate Racing Skis: Cobra Pro Cobra TS Cobra TS4 Classic Racing Skis: Biturbo Nord RC4 Entry...

One Way Roller Ski Reviews

One Way, best known for ski poles, offers a full line of skate and classic roller skis that are now available in the US. Summary: The Skate 5 is a light-weight, responsive ski.  Very high speed, this ski is ideal for pushing the limits of high-speed technique and racing, but is not a good daily training option. Pros: Light, responsive, fun. Cons: Too fast for daily training.  Not good on rough pavement. These skis are...

Pro-Ski Roller Ski Reviews

The much anticipated FasterSkier Roll-Off is finally underway.  Over the next few weeks we will run reviews on nearly 20 pairs of roller skis from 10 different manufacturers.  The initial reviews will be organized by manufacturer, and the series will conclude with comparisons.  If you have questions that are not answered in the review, please post them in the comment section and we will do our best to provide answers. Each ski will receive a...

Review:  Chariot CX-1 Child Carrier

Small children do not mean an end to skiing and training.  Chariot makes one of the more popular pull behind child carriers designed for high performance.  Diana Whitney tested the CX-1 model extensively and reports back. www.chariotcarriers.com to compare features of various models).  Although my CX-1 dates back to 2005, the product has had no major structural updates since then. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rank the Chariot a 9 as a...

Product Review: Mila PLS 100 Headlamp The Mila Headlamp is a high luminosity rechargeable headlamp designed for outdoor endurance athletes. Summary: I have been testing the Mila PLS 100 for a full year now, using the lamp for a variety of activities in all types of conditions. Overall, the Mila is an excellent rechargeable headlamp and is highly recommended. Pros: Extremely bright, dual lighting settings, headpiece is light and comfortable. Cons: No charge indicator, price....

Karl Saidla is a member of XC-Ottawa and the Alpina Racing team. The following does not necessarily represent the views of FasterSkier.com. While at the Canadian Championships at Whistler Olympic Park, I was given the opportunity to test next year's prestigious Red Dot award winning Alpina ECL classic boots. The new boots represent a very significant redesign, but in ways that I think most racers will appreciate. For pictures of the boots, as well as...

I never thought I would become 'one of those GPS people.' I'd seen them out on the trails occasionally. Skiers, bikers, hikers – all with a small GPS unit strapped to their arm, pack, or bike. I didn't understand the appeal. I know how to read a map, why would I ever want to carry that extra weight? Then Endless Pursuit offered to let me try out their GPS/website system. Boy has my opinion changed....

About a month ago, I got my hands on Atomic's new RS:11 Skate ski. I immediately got them mounted and waxed and couldn't wait to try them out. Only one problem – no snow. The skiing in my neck of the woods has been marginal at best and I was not going to risk these new racing machines on minimal snow. So I waited, and waited. Finally, over the past week we have had great...

If any of you out there have friends who just don't get cross country skiing, you need to sit them down and make them watch the new video, Generation X-Ski. If your friends, co-workers, or fellow classmates still think of your sport as wool-knickers, wooden skis, and shuffling through the woods, then this video is your evidence to the contrary. Generation X-Ski is aptly titled because it features a younger generation of skiers who are...

Just when you think that the ski companies have thought of everything, they come up with something new. And I am pretty sure that not many people saw this one coming. Atomic Ski recently announced they have found that placing structure in the top sheet (ie. the top of the ski) of their high end classic and skate skis improves the flex and overall speed. “We have been putting very deep structure in the bases...