
2004 April

Last fall I made the following (controversial?) statement in an article describing a skate rollerski interval session (To view this entire article see – www.torbjornsport.com selling the PRO-SKI Rollerski brand so my comments regarding skis from other brands are not (quite) objective. I still feel a need for commenting on rollerskis with pneumatic wheels as a training devise used to improve race performance. In short: It’s no way you can achieve the performance and quality...

The first of TorbjornSport (TBS) and FasterSkier.com’s nine (!) drawings for free rollerskis and gift certificates is happening on Thursday April 15th – at 4 PM Mountain time. Results from the first drawing will be posted on FasterSkier.com on April 16th. It’s still time to register to be a part of all the drawings. TorbjornSport (TBS) and FasterSkier.com are giving away one pair PRO-SKI Rollerskis of your choice and two $100 gift certificates on the...

Name: Grethe-Lise (Greyhound) Hagensen Age: 40 Family Status: Married with two daughters, Embla, age 8, and Bjork, age 6. Hometown: Grew up in Tromso, Norway, three hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle. Now lives in Bozeman, Montana. With kids out skiing We are at the end of another ski season, can you summarize your training plan for next season during these warm months? I am heading to Norway for the summer and will train...

This early season block was the results-highlight of our year. Trond and the waxers drove all over Europe (from Italy to Norway to northern Finland and back) on roads slick enough to rival the Fairbanks — Salcha commute while the athletes flew from race site to race site. The racers, coaches and waxers basically kicked ass scoring our best world cup results so far and putting Kris in the World Cup red group. The rest...

Today and the next week we will present a few articles covering safety, training and workout suggestions for those of you that are ready for specific training this spring. The articles are presented by These are some tips to keep in mind out on the road. Always wear a helmet and bright clothing when rollerskiing. It may be a good idea to include other protective gear as you learn to rollerski, such as elbow and...

The staff at Fasterskier.com wish our readers in the USA and from around the Globe a very happy Easter. With everything that’s going on around the World, treasure and be thankful for every opportunity you get to take an hour or two “away from it all” – to ski or train for skiing. As we have said many times; skiing and ski training is great mental therapy and also one of the best ways to...

August. New Zealand. Still an hour or two out of Auckland and high over the pre-dawn South Pacific there is nothing but blue. Blue unpolluted by other color, and every tone and hue of it too. From the edge-of-space dark-blue in the high west, fading all the way down to the pale-blue horizon where it meets the deep-blue sea far, far below. Thirteen hours cramped in this winged-tube of air-born aluminum hurling through all that...

Mammoth Marathon, 42/21/10K Freestyle Race, Mammoth Lakes, California is traditionally held on the first Sunday of April. This may be the best end of the season race, and quite possibly, the best end of the season party. Mammoth Marathon is a long standing Eastern Sierra event that goes way back to the 1970’s, and in those early days when the race was strictly classic, Audun Enderstad could be seen flying through the narrow, quite forested...

Editor's Note: We received a lot of great feedback on Pete Vordenberg's New Koch series that we ran last April. Now Pete has generously offered to do it all for us again. This is Part One in Pete Vordenberg's US Ski Team 2003-2004 Year In Review. Part One has a ton of great information about how the US Ski Team trains, particularly in the spring and summer months. I have always wanted to be an...

I never thought I would become 'one of those GPS people.' I'd seen them out on the trails occasionally. Skiers, bikers, hikers – all with a small GPS unit strapped to their arm, pack, or bike. I didn't understand the appeal. I know how to read a map, why would I ever want to carry that extra weight? Then Endless Pursuit offered to let me try out their GPS/website system. Boy has my opinion changed....

Solda glide Wax Company of Italy is excitedly looking ahead to next season, the upcoming 2005 Nordic and Alpine World Ski Championships and the 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Turin, Italy under the guidance of its new investor Luciano Andreatta. Ambitious new programs, extensive research and product development are key words in the upcoming years according to Andreatta, a business and marketing veteran with companies like Fila and Diadora. He and Manlio Solda, the son...

Since its inception in January 2002, FasterSkier.com has been growing extremely fast. As we continue to grow, we are constantly adding new features and many new readers. Looking forward to the 2004-2005 season, we would like to continue to expand and better serve our readers. We believe that having a larger, more diverse group of people contributing to FasterSkier.com will make it an even better resource for skiers around North America and the world. Therefore,...

Frode Estil, Olympic and World Cross-Country Champion, warns ambitious young skiers against dropping their education in favor of sports. Even though there may be good money to make in Cross-Country, Frode Estil (31) is in no doubt when claiming: Cross-Country skiers should combine their skiing with education. – As a skier you have plenty of time to combine skiing and education. There is quite a risk in dropping out of school for a sport where...

This is part three in the “Road to Recovery' series. It has been many weeks since part two, and for that I apologize. But in a way, this is good news for me. After all, the fact that I have been too busy skiing to sit down and write part three means that my fractured collarbone must be healing well. That is true, but I am getting ahead of myself. Lets back up a bit…...

Spring Series wrapped up at Snow Mountain Ranch this weekend with an individual start skate race and the National Championship sprint relay. In Saturday's skate race, the two overall leaders seized their chance to clinch the titles. Andrew Johnson put the final touches on a very impressive week by winning the 12k race by 9 seconds over Ivan Babikov. Leif Zimmerman was third. Johnson won the overall, again edging Babikov, this time by 1 minute...

Editor: Dave Knoop is one of our Fasterskier training partners, and is famous in our group for his adventurous, high-speed, and “bonkable” outings. I drove up to the Strawberry Reservoir area a little late on a Sunday am, about 10 am in the morning only to find it a well preserved winter wonderland everything still frozen and white as far as the eye could see even the reservoir looked mid winter frozen. Meanwhile a few...

Who is the fastest skate-skier? Both the Norwegian National biathlon Team and the Cross-Country team will be at the start line of the Skarverennet marathon later in April. Lars Berger (24) can’t hide the fact that he looks very much forward to the 38-km race on April 24th. – I will ski as hard as I can. The tapering and training is however not optimal at this time of the year, since I am mostly...

On March 10th, 2003 Austria’s Cross-Country head-coach Walter Mayer was suspended for life by the International Ski Federation (FIS). He is now cleared by an Austrian court and is suing FIS for $400,000. It was during the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Games that blood transfusion bags and equipment were found at the house where the Austrians were living. Mayer admitted to have manipulated the skiers’ blood by using UV-light and ozon. IOC suspended Mayer for...