

How much competition is the right amount for 12-13 year cross country skiers?Early Adolescence is a critical age in developing a positive disposition and orientation to racing.  At 12-13, many kids venture beyond their local club races for th...

Cross Country MTB - exploring how to fit this in to a year round T2T program.Variety is important to 12-13 year olds.  Including varied training activities expands physical literacy opportunities for this age kid as well as appeals to the need to ...

LTAD performance indicators - T2T athletesHow do you create a t2t program that helps kids advance their abilities while maintaining those things that kids would say are essential to their enjoyment?  As much as literature might recommend doing thi...

About this blog - There just isnt very much out there for professional or volunteer coaches about 'best practice' in the world of coaching adolescent cross country skiers.  This blog will pull together ideas from a number of sources including club...